What will I get out of the basic series?
People generally come to Rolfing S.I. because there is something going on in their body that isn't what they
want; they are experiencing themselves moving in a certain direction that they want to change. The basic series
of Rolfing structural integration is profound in that, although it won't solve everything or erase every issue,
it will create a significant shift in direction. In addition to the relief that is often obtained, structural
changes and an improved relationship with gravity, increased body awareness, and
resource education
empower you to continue the process of positive transformation after the series is complete.
Overview of "Sleeve" Sessions
During the first few sessions of the series, the body's surface layers of connective tissue are loosened and
balanced, more room is created for the breath, and the body's foundation is addressed through work on the feet
and lower legs.
Overview of "Core" Sessions
During the middle sessions, the body's "core" is addressed, including work with deeper tissue in the legs,
pelvis, and around the spine.
Overview of "Integrative" Sessions
The final sessions seek to integrate the specific regional changes of the earlier sessions, leading to a greater
sense of coordination, order and balance.
Optimization of Results
The "plus" of my approach to the basic series is the incorporation of
information, resources and strategies
to keep you moving forward so that the positive transformation and benefits of your Rolfing SI series
Why the "10-Series"?
Although it is often referred to as the "Ten-Series," (i.e., ten sessions, each emphasizing a different area
and level of integration of the body), better results are achieved when the number of sessions is adapted to
the individual structural needs of each client. Although I work with and optimize however many sessions a
client chooses to undergo, your personal history and response to the early sessions will guide my
recommendations as to the best approach to optimally achieve the series' structural and functional goals.
How do the series' goals apply to me?
Contact me for a free consultation if you would like to learn more about what these structural and functional
goals are, how the series approaches them, and how they would apply to your body's issues and
What happens after it's over? How will I know if it worked?
Will the changes last?
The Rolfing structural integration series will continue to produce changes after its completion.
Click here for
information on how to tell whether the series has worked or is still working. Many people eventually return for more
Rolfing S.I., typically in the form of 1 or more sessions anywhere from 6 months to several years after the original
series. Depending on the context, this post-series advanced work may be approached as maintenance, or its objective
may be to further the transformational process begun with the basic series.